Saturday, 21 April 2012

It was more than just a temperature....

A terrible cough and a sore throat has come sneakily during the night. The little man was coughing most of the night leaving him with a husky voice this morning. He has also started complaining about a sore throat.... I spoke too early on Friday thinking it was just a temperature!!
He's a little champion though, happily playing with his glazed over eyes, chatting away with a little husky voice.

He's fast asleep now (asked to be put to bed...) and I hope he gets a less disturbed night (and me...) How did I cope when they were babies and didn't sleep through? A night with broken sleep, when you're not used to it anymore, have left me feeling like I have a hangover.... Needing fatty food, sweets, crisps and drinking coke. Or maybe I'm just using it as an excuse to be allowed a day of unhealthy food....


  1. New follower from blog hop today! Love family and mom blogs. Look forward to following you! I love your template btw ;)

  2. Poor guy! I can remember those days when they were babies and I thought that five hours of sleep was a miracle. The pearly gates had opened and the angels were singing. I was refreshed. NOW five hours is like a tease.
    Hope that you BOTH get some more sleep.

    1. Thanks. He (and me) slept a bit better last night:)

  3. You tell me! Miss G has gone from amazing sleeper to being unable to settle herself. It all happened out of the blue and it has been nearly 2 weeks of me and the husband feeling like zombies. I hate not being able to sleep! I hope he is better soon and that you can catch some Zzzz

    1. Thanks:) he's finally a better and is back at nursery. Hoping that'll tire him out:) I feel for you. The princess was a terrible sleeper the first 4 years. Now she's good. Hope Miss G sleeps better soon.


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