Sunday 5 May 2013

Another sleepover....

This time at school! Friday afternoon, 12 very excited 7-8 year olds showed up with their sleeping bag in tow. I had promised the princess that I would stay over this year too. I didn't last year !
We were 3 mums staying overnight, a couple of dads helping during the evening until the children fell asleep.

They had had a great evening with hotdogs outside for dinner, playing until the sun went down behind the trees, then they went inside and kept playing until they were presented with a bag of sweets each and Madadgacar 3 was put on the big screen! Suddenly all were quiet and only the rustling of sweet paper was to be heard.
The film finished and they all jumped into their pjs and brushed their teeth. They were tired and happily snuggled up in their sleeping bags, 11.10pm they all were asleep. I managed to get a bit of sleep before 5.30am when the first ones woke.

We had arranged for the parents to pick up their little ones at 8am which was a good call..... We had had a great time but were all very tired and ready to go home. It's so lovely to see the class together and see how well they play and get along. I'm glad that us parents agree this is an event that should happen every year and the school happily lets us have the school all to ourselves for the night.

Do your children's classes do such events too??

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